Sunday, February 8, 2009

• November 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello from Tanzania!

This year seems to be flying by! We’ve been so busy that we don’t even realize months have passed since we sent out a newsletter.

The Bible school is well into its second semester now and I am staying busy teaching. In addition to the Bible school, we have started a cell group as part of our church. Wonderful things are happening there with people getting saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. Cell group is usually a highlight of the week for me as I wait to see what God will do this week! He is so good!

For about a year now, Brandt and I have both felt the Lord leading us to return to Congo where we first worked. But because we’re so happy here in Arusha, it has been a hard decision to make. The Lord has been gracious and patient with us and we now know for sure it is His will that we go back to Congo. We are not leaving Tanzania because of any problems but because of a clear leading from the Lord. Congo will be a challenge for me personally because I had gotten used to no longer living in survival mode. My favorite thing about Arusha is the butchery- because I don’t have to find and kill my own meat! Life is going to be different, that’s for sure. Please join your faith with us as we make this transition back to Congo next year as funds become available

Two weeks ago Brandt took a small team from America to Congo for a ministry trip and over 200 people were born again through door to door evangelism and outdoor meetings. The harvest truly is ripe there and we’re excited for the future.

The boys are growing up of course and Benji is at the stage of getting into mischief. Earlier this month he put a tent pole in his mouth and then fell on it, puncturing his throat. Thank God that he survived that one! He has bruises and scrapes worse than the other two boys ever did and some days I feel like I need a tranquilizer to get through the day! Please pray for all the boys’ safety and well being as they are indeed boys and seem to find trouble without looking for it!

Thank you so much for keeping us in your heart and prayers. Thank you to those of you who support us financially. We know the U.S. financial system is difficult right now and we don’t take it lightly that you believe in us. You are in our prayers as well.

For financial support:
Please make checks payable to AMA and mail to:

P.O. box 22007
Little Rock, AR 72221

Write PRINCE on the memo line.

Brandt, Pam, Austin, Ty & Benji