Thursday, December 10, 2009

The D. R. Congo Flag

•December 2009

Dear Friends and Family

Hello from the battlefront!

In many ways, the Christian life can be compared to a battle. We know that Jesus won the war for us but many times the small battles we fight can still seem challenging. Well, that’s been our life here lately.

We’ve been battling snakes since moving in this house- 15 of them were cobras! One of them actually climbed up Brandt’s leg to his chest, went across his chest and down the other leg! He said he squealed like a girl! I said, I didn’t blame him one bit! I do thank the Lord that even in the midst of all these snakes, we have all been protected and no one has been bitten.
Another battle that we have been fighting was for our health. Since July the electricity and running water to our town has been cut off. Many people have gotten cholera and dysentery and died. Our whole family actually got food poisoning but in the midst of that battle we saw God as our Healer. He restored our health.

A big battle I have been fighting is for my joy. I tell you, life is hard without electricity and even harder without running water. I spent most of the first month just crying over our situation but I am thankful that I have overcome and gotten my joy back!

Another battle we face is of course a spiritual battle. But in that too, Christ gives us the victory! My evangelism students and I have been going door to door evangelizing every week. Many people have given their lives to Jesus! The best part is the students are starting to catch a vision for personal evangelism and will continue to win souls for life!

In some battles, we know it’s not our battle but the Lord’s. We let Him fight it for us. In other battles, we are called upon to fight. For this battle of living without electricity we originally thought it would be a short lived crisis but now we understand it is going to take a while to fix whatever is wrong. We are in the process of looking at alternative energy sources. Because our area has a lot of wind, we think a windmill would help us to acquire enough electricity to at least run a fridge and some computers for homeschool. We will need a windmill and several large batteries to run an inverter which would supply us with electricity. If you would like to give a special offering toward this, we would greatly appreciate it. The total cost is around $4000. Please mark your offering for Prince windmill so it will go to the right place.

Thank you so very much for all of you who give so generously to us.
For financial support:
Please make checks payable to AMA and mail to:

P.O. box 22007
Little Rock, AR 72221

Write PRINCE on the memo line.

Brandt, Pam, Austin, Ty & Ben